Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hellish Day

Okay today was seriously a day straight from hell.... but in a funny way. I swear I ran into every X that i have... or any guy I have EVER kissed. Lets just say it was ironic and akward ahhhh what can you do.
So I have a HUGE research paper due tomorrow and here I am blogging.. I just can't focus right now seeing as how a guy I kissed is sitting like right across from me and it is about 100% akward moral of the story dont kiss guys ha ha.
Well The other night I was laying in my bed and all of a sudden there was a tapping at my window i was positive someone was trying to break in I layed in bed paralized from fear. then finally they left. I called my mom the next day and told her someone was trying to break into my house moved a kitchen knife into my nightstand drawer... seriously scared out of my MIND. Then come to find out today it was my friend Carl they were penny tapping... I had never heard of such a thing but it exists and it about made me poop my pants! ha ha it was fun.
Well I got the internship in Kauai HAWAII!!! I am going with 3 of my best friends and we are going to have a BLAST.. everyone is welcome to come visit. anyway I really should work on my paper chow bella!


BananabootsRN said...
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Jana said...

You've kissed a boy????????

Shari said...

What are you doing on your internship besides hunting for the hunky poly's?

Anonymous said...

Someone didn't know you have kissed??? Wowee! I love this story everytime I hear it!

hiphipporay said...

Congratulations K!! Spence and I are thrilled for you - and properly jealous as well. I must say this is a heck of a lot better gig than you had last summer. LOL! Who knows, maybe next summer you'll go international. I will be living vicariously through you. Tear it up! :D